Love low prices? You may find them by shopping in second-hand stores. Take for example Quipdealio. It’s a treasure trove to find well-preserved apparel decorating equipment.

Everything is within search distance; you can find printers, cutters, bling machines, and more! So, if you’re looking to buy some equipment, this is a great place to begin your search.

Once you’ve sorted through countless deals… and stopped at what interests you… it’s about time to open up a conversation with the seller and see if you can negotiate the price.

Almost always you can score a better deal when you approach the owner from the right angle.

So, let’s look at what that angle could be.

Start a Conversation the Right Way

Look, you only get one shot to make a first impression. So, what you say in the first message is of paramount importance. The most common first message mistakes are being too aggressive or direct in your speech.

You want to make a connection with the seller first. Be polite and respectful — show interest in the product being sold. Perhaps ask a few personal questions about how the product was used or for how long? To help you with that, we have an article that goes over some of the basic questions you could ask the seller. Click here to read it!

The idea is simple. Before you negotiate the price, you want the owner to open up and talk about their equipment. It’s mostly about asking questions and having a casual conversation.

Only then when you have established a friendly connection with the person you can warm them up to the idea of lowering the price of equipment.

You only get one shot to make a first impression.

It’s Not What You Ask, It’s How You Ask It!

To negotiate a better price, first, you must find out the going price of the item you’ve eyed. It requires some work on your part, however. Do some research online and dig around other people’s listings. Find out who is selling products similar to ‘’theirs’’ and at what price.

Doing this will give you an overall idea of whether or not you can bargain… and… how big of a discount you can even hope for.

Let’s entertain the idea that the seller has put up a higher price for a product than it should have. And you think you could use this fact against them to bargain for a better price.

The next thing you want to do is simply ask. Just ask the seller if a better price is on the table. Then you will be told if it is possible (or not) to buy in lower.

However, when you ask for that, DO NOT be authoritative. You’re in no position to demand anything!

What To Do When You’re Told ‘’No’’?

When things don’t go your way… and the seller won’t budge from their asking price… it may seem like a dead end. You can accept their point of view, go away, and never come back… or… you can employ ‘’weak points’’ as a last resort.

What I mean is, show the seller all the reasons why the price is not right. Maybe the item is no longer covered by warranty. If that’s the case, the price should come down no questions asked.

What else could reduce the value (and price) of the product?

Well, over time, all things wear out… and nothing is really protected from scratches, scuffs, and overall imperfections. So, if you find any of these imperfections on the item, call them out! Such things affect the price.

It doesn’t stop there though, you have to consider the location, too. If the seller is located far away, you may need to go to their place somehow — extra cost out of your pocket. Talk to the seller about it, he may (or may not) be able to cover those expenses.

This negotiation ‘’technique’’ is easy, as you can see. All you need to do is negotiate from a position of strength.

Show the seller all the reasons why the price is not right.


Last of all, thank you for reading this article. Hopefully, after everything we’ve discussed so far, you’ll be able to reach some kind of agreement with the seller.

Now let me give you one last piece of advice before I sign-off; never lowball the owner on price. Pay what is fair. It would be only generous of you to do so. It is insulting to take someone through all of your questions only to make them a disappointing offer at the very end.

Lowballing never works out.