DTF Prints: A Game-Changer for Startup Business Owners

fashion forward dude with a ball cap and a shirt with a DTF print

As a startup business owner, you are constantly looking for innovative ways to enhance your products and services. Guess what, We have an idea for you. There’s a new technology called DTF Prints out there that can print Direct to film images that can be cut out and then applied to garments (especially t-shirts) in […]

Unleashing the Full Potential of the DTF-24H4: A Complete Review

One of the newest printer releases is the DigitalHeat FX DTF-24H4, a promising printer that offers high-speed production and vibrant designs. However, does the fabric printer really deliver its promise? This review will help you understand the game-changing features of the DTF-24H4, so you’ll know if it’s exactly what you’re getting. Sit back, take out […]

Product Review: DigitalHeat FX DTF-12H2

dtf printer along with included dryer, the DTF 24H2

When you think of commercial printers, what comes into your mind first? For many people, it’s not the print quality or even the usefulness of such products. Instead, it’s the size. Specifically, the commercial printers’ bulky, unwieldy, and can’t-fit-through-the-door size. What if we told you that there’s now a high-quality commercial printer that’s managed to […]

What to Say to Customers When Trying to Sell a Product

So, you’ve got a product which the world wants. Others might things that’s enough to make it, but you know it’s not. To sell a lot of produce, in a traditional (one-way) format with the customers, you need to find a way to connect with them. In other words, you need to step in their […]

How to Quickly Blow Past Your Competition

If you’re competitive and have that desire to win in business, I guarantee you’ll love this quick read. It may give you the guidance and motivation boost to continue pushing yourself forward, especially at times when you’re not feeling like it. You’ll especially need it if you’re going through a rough patch of late and […]

How To Squeeze a Bit More Profit Out of Your Business

If you run a business, there are times when it’s slow and you don’t know how you’re going to get through the month. You’re working furiously to keep it afloat. But even with all the hours you pour in, you’re struggling to make ends meet. Is it something you’re doing wrong? Or… is it something […]

How to Prevent Burnout in the Workplace

You seem to have everything figured out — you have a stable job to support yourself, room for upward mobility, and free perks that come with it. But, despite having all that, you’re feeling increasingly unhappy. The natural question is, why? Why you and not someone else? The answers may be found in the paragraphs […]

Why (& How) You Should Actually Listen to Your Clients

HAVE you ever had clients tell you how to run your business? They come in to buy this and that… and… on their way out they turn around for the one last comment that goes something like this: ‘’Just so you know, your prices are RIdiCiLOus! The shop across the street sells for waaay cheaper!!’’ […]

How to Maintain & Grow Your Industry Knowledge and Skills

Have you ever made an effort to learn something, but forgot everything a few months after? Sadly, acquired skills and knowledge fade away over time unless used on a daily basis. There’s nothing you can do about it but keep going at it, day in, day out. To be at the top of your game […]

How Your Company Can Survive an Economic Downturn

I don’t want to be the one to say it… BUT… we’re heading into a recession. It’s on the horizon, it really is! You can already feel it forming in the marketplace; the purchasing power has gone down, prices (for almost everything) have shot up and business seems to be going sideways. It’s not ideal, […]

How to Recover from Work Stress

What is the first thing you do when you get home after work? Do you jump straight back into bed… or… do things around the house? If you just want to lie down and go to sleep, it might be the first signal, a warning light that something is off-balance. Do you have a clue […]

How to Communicate With Your Team More Effectively

Do you sometimes wish you had a silver tongue? You could go into any situation with a ready supply of enthusiasm and confidence… and… capture the attention of everyone around you? Put yourself in that situation for a moment… and really feel how it makes you feel. Imagine how co-workers hang on every word you […]